Should you be concerned if your neighbour has a firepit going? Absolutely not. Out here, a firepit that is going is pretty much an open invitation. Grab a lawn chair and some beers and come on over, no formal invitation required.
Funniest part of the night was that the host of the party is a local volunteer Fireman. His radio was going off now and then, with calls for other stations in the area. Nothing serious. One report of a restaurant sign that was sparking. Then a call came across "Station 10 report of a bonfire". Turns out we are not station 10, the call was for another town a few miles away.
If you are thinking of making a firepit you don't need to go and buy some fancy outdoor fireplace from Home Depot. I dug a hole and used the metal drum of an old washing machine. Keep it simple.
I had umpteen concrete slabs from the old patio and used to them to make a huge hearth thingy down the garden. It resembles an ancient druid monument, long since christened Arthur's Seat.